Everything DiSC® Workplace Report

Everything DiSC® Workplace Report

Everything DiSC Workplace can be used with everyone in an organization, regardless of title or role, to improve the quality of the workplace.

Everything DiSC Workplace is classroom training that uses online pre-work, engaging facilitation with contemporary video, and online follow-up to create a personalized learning experience.

Participants understand and appreciate the styles of the people they work with. The result is more effective and productive working relationships.

Everything DiSC Workplace focuses on:
Discovering Your DiSC® Style
Understanding Other Styles 
Building More Effective Relationships 
Optional People-Reading Module

Make the Program Work for You 
Everything DiSC Workplace is the most in-depth, easily customizable DiSC-based workplace-development solution available. Workplace-specific, personalized content creates an in-depth learning experience. Modular design and online tailoring features allow you to design a customized program that’s right for your organization.

Research-validated online assessment with 20-page workplace-specific profile helps people identify and explore the priorities that drive them.

Easily Customizable
Remove or rearrange pages, customize the profile title, or print selected sections. The profile may be used on its own or with the companion facilitation; sold separately.

Follow-Up Tools

Everything DiSC Comparison Report: Build better relationships and make training stick! These 11-page research-validated follow-up reports can be created for any two participants to illustrate their similarities and differences.

Works for all Everything DiSC Application Library programs, including Management and Workplace, allowing you to create reports for coworkers or for managers with their direct reports. And participants get unlimited access — at no additional charge.

Everything DiSC Facilitator Report: Provides a composite of your group's DiSC styles and information on how DiSC styles can impact your organization’s culture. Includes the names and styles of each participant. Sold separately.

Everything DiSC Group Culture Report: Helps you determine the group’s DiSC culture, explore its advantages and disadvantages, discuss its effect on group members, and examine its influence on decision making and risk taking. Sold separately.

Modular Facilitation

In-depth: Three 90-minute modules; fully-scripted facilitation with engaging activities and workplace-focused video. Also includes 30-minute optional people-reading module.

Easily Customizable: Switch out video clips. Modify the PowerPoint, Leader’s Guide, and handouts. Add or delete sections to fit any timeframe.