The most successful managers read the needs of their employees and adapt their style accordingly. These are important skills that can be developed by utilizing the Everything DiSC® Management Profile and Everything DiSC Management Facilitation System.
The Everything DiSC Management Profile is a research-validated online assessment from Inscape Publishing. This 26-page DiSC-based management report helps managers understand:
Participants learn how to read the styles of the people they manage. The result is managers who adapt their styles to manage more effectively.
Everything DiSC Management Focuses on 5 Key Areas:
Managers first learn about their own management preferences. Next, Everything DiSC Management teaches managers how to understand how each DiSC style likes to work, what motivates them, and how to identify areas where the people they manage have strong potential and areas where they may face obstacles.
The Everything DiSC Management Profile teaches managers how to work with their own manager by providing insights for understanding their manager's priorities and preferences. The report also provides information on dealing with conflict with their manager.
Everything DiSC Management is the most in-depth and easily customizable DiSC-based management-training solution available. Management-specific, personalized content creates an in-depth learning experience. Modular design and online tailoring features allow you to design a customized program that’s right for your organization.
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